Activation of Social Responsibility and Volunteering Activities through Courses
- The courses are designed to facilitate social responsibility and volunteering activities of SNU students by breaking free from the campus-centered university education and strengthening the connection with local communities.
- The courses consist of Volunteer Social Service 1, Volunteer Social Service 2, and Volunteer Social Service 3 (1 credit for each course).
Planning and Operation of Activities in Connection with Volunteer Organizations and Institutions in Local Communities
- The courses are operated in four semesters in a year (spring/fall/summer/winter).
- Partnership has been formed to connect with various volunteer organizations and institutions in local communities (about 30 to 40 institutions).
- The management of the students’ volunteering activities, basic education, in-depth education, midterm evaluation meeting, and final evaluation meeting are planned and implemented.
Fostering Leaders Practicing Social Responsibility
- The students are helped to grow as leaders practicing social responsibility while cultivating a sense of community.
- In-stage Volunteer Social Service (VSS) curricula are provided depending on the accumulated experiences in the previous VSS activities to encourage continuous participation.
- About 6,320 students participated in the program through 380 courses between 2013 and 2020.
Experiences and Photos
Lee ○○ (joined in the spring semester 2020)
“I used to live in my own small world. The program helped me to directly experience the wider world and the multicultural society through the volunteering activities.”